Unity School Inc
580 N. Garden Way, Eugene,Oregon
Outdoor Play
These pictures do not give our playground the magical justice it deserves.

Set up a tour to see it in person!
What better way to get a feel for our magical palyground than to take a moment here to watch the slideshow...
Unity School has a deep-rooted history dating back to the farm founded in 1928. Our outdoor area reflects this legacy, featuring majestic old cedars, lilac bushes, the original barn, and ample space for children to run and play.
We understand that outdoor time and interaction with nature are crucial for children's physical and mental growth. Outdoor activities are an integral part of Unity's daily schedule. With an array of climbers, slides, swings, and movable loose parts, there are always opportunities for creativity and learning.
Our beautiful barn keeps everyone active when the weather is intolerable. In the winter, it still has an outdoor feel, with open windows and fresh, crisp air.
Come rain or shine, we get outside!
Unity Pets
The Unity pets are also an integral part of the learning experience. Not only do they bring a comforting, homelike feel, but they also provide a way for children to calm and soothe themselves during moments of dysregulation. We use the animals to help children return to a learning brain and problem-solve together. We like the animals to take trips into the classroom for lessons on how to care for them, and for the children to enjoy.
The families also play an active role in our pets' lives. How cool would it be to go to school on the weekends when it is closed and feed the pets? We have a volunteer sign-up, and each family has the opportunity to do this.

Enjoy the slideshow of the Unity pets and our pet friends. Greyson is not showcased currently but we have a cat too!